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Your inner light as a compass

Writer: MariaMaria

In this blog, I share not only my work but also some of my personal experiences and challenges as a human being and as a woman in this world.

On February 16, I gave my first masterclass for woman only teaching bonewashing of the pubic bone and energy work on the Hara line. It was about connecting with a deeper layer of being, a deeper layer of creation—the hara level. As always, a new course brings something special into my own processes…

Somewhere in the week before I gave the course, something happened in my heart. I was preparing for the sessions in meditation and had chosen a very simple piece of music with 639Hz to accompany me. At a particular chime of the marimba, I felt a very specific spot in my heart respond, vibrate along, and find a kind of harmony. An old pain I had been working on for a long time was released further, that specific place in my heart was harmonized and softened, and I felt a deep peace. This came with a sense of relief and freedom. It was actually quite unexpected. Just as in December, when I was unexpectedly and drama-free touched in my heart by a beautiful connection with another person, it contributed to clarifying and loosening a deep ‘pain line’ linked not only to events in my own life but also to ancestral experiences.

My personal history is one in which I have been particularly burdened by ancestral lines in this life—both from my father’s and mother’s sides, a lot of pain and heaviness were passed down, and things were also projected onto me. Additionally, I carry my own trauma and life experiences, as well as the burdens from the collective. Quite early on, I also experienced things from past lives—something that for some is merely a concept to ‘believe in’ or not, but which becomes very concrete when you live beyond the purely rational layer of your being and you feel and see it. Initially, I couldn’t place these experiences, which made everything extra confusing and complex. I was also very open and absorbed emotions and experiences from my surroundings like a sponge.

To help myself gain clarity in this chaos, honesty in interactions was extremely important to me. Fortunately, my mother understood how crucial honesty was for me, and I could turn to her for open communication. However, I couldn’t discuss many things because I didn’t understand them myself, couldn’t put them into words, or was simply unaware of them. Of course, she was also a human being with her own traumas.

Back to the present—during this masterclass, I felt my own golden hara line, I had the privilege of guiding its activation in others and witnessing their experiences. It was clearly a profound experience—connecting with one’s own soul line, one’s core, and that of the earth. It brought a variety of effects to different participants: shivering, trembling, being completely knocked out afterward, intense warmth, back pain in misaligned areas, and also a beautiful golden glow, golden beams of joy. This level has much to offer body and/or energy workers, both for themselves and their clients.

The choice to work only with women this time was a conscious one—not only because of womb work but also because of the patterns we are conditioned with and the ways we are often disempowered, allow ourselves to be disempowered, or even disempower ourselves as women. This is also part of a collective issue, where a lack of accountability among men for their own behavior, combined with a sense of entitlement fueled by religious and political propaganda depicting women as property men have rights to, has led to serious societal imbalances for thousands of years. This keeps us stuck as humans in a low-consciousness state that revolves around power dynamics.

This issue manifests in all relationships, including group dynamics, even those exclusively among women. Someone in the group mentioned that she usually avoids women’s circles and groups where this kind of work (bone washing of the Venus Mound and external womb work) is done. I understand why. She knows my work from other courses and was immediately drawn to this one—“With you, I wanted to do this,” she said. Because I don’t get caught up in drama, sensationalism, or manipulation and still remain compassionate.

I sometimes see women in groups unconsciously projecting all that pain. For me, this day was also about becoming aware of what we do in this regard, addressing our behaviors—both individually and in groups—and understanding the effects of those behaviors. Taking responsibility, confronting, understanding, and feeling that you can heal by reconnecting deeply with yourself and the earth. Releasing projections, roles we play, codependency, and all the invisible ties that make us expect others to save, mirror, or carry us. Standing back in your power and feeling the peace and freedom that comes with it.

It’s about moving beyond victimhood in an honest way—without denying or minimizing what happened, without rejecting your vulnerable self, or suppressing your anger. Finding love and safety within yourself as a woman on this earth. And from there, building healthier connections and relationships.

It starts with recognizing the importance and value of your focus, attention, and energy—because their power is immense. And you can learn to direct them. You can see through the patterns and move beyond conditioning, back to your own light. Detaching from things, energies, fields, and people who try to manipulate you from their own wounds. Not giving in when someone tries to trap you in a limiting consciousness, imposes a restricted perspective, or uses your sensitivity or past experiences to diminish your sense of self-worth.

Reconnecting with the purpose of your life, body, and life force—realigning with your unique soul frequency and listening to what it has to tell you.

Integrity, autonomy, and freedom are important values to me. To me, these naturally take precedence over ‘loyalty’—because blind loyalty is dangerous. It undermines integrity and leads to supporting others in their harmful behaviors. I always focused on substance and clear information, on truth rather than interpersonal drama and power struggles.

That, of course, doesn’t mean I was fully aware of everything I carried (from myself and others) or which trauma patterns I had absorbed. When I found myself in groups or situations where substance was ignored, where there was no space for genuine sharing, and where everything turned into manipulation rather than truth-seeking, it felt illogical, uncomfortable, and disingenuous to me. I didn’t understand that kind of thinking.

As a young woman, I experienced what it was like to be treated as a naïve worker bee—used as a pawn to advance others’ careers, my intelligence and drive exploited without real opportunities for growth or support. My strength was turned against me, and I became stuck—or so it seemed.

Because of my trauma patterns (whether personal, inherited, or otherwise), I simply lacked the skills and tools to see a way out, to break through. Painful, because I knew I didn’t belong there but couldn’t escape. Over time, such experiences can start to impact your self-worth—that’s human.

The irony is that I now see that I did break through. And not just in that one situation, but in almost everything that didn’t align. I let go of what wasn’t meant for me, what didn’t resonate with my soul frequency and inner light.

Letting go—whether of a job, role, group, object, energy, guru, idea, feeling, belief, pattern, or relationship—can be deeply painful. Some things are harder to release precisely because of patterns, beliefs, emotional bonds, or even love. This can make you feel stuck in an unhealthy situation, compromising your self-love and pushing you toward codependency. But I had the courage to choose myself, despite everything.

Even now it is an ongoing process because, once again, much has been stirred, and I find myself in a place of deep emotion and movement—this time, there is a lot of activity in my solar plexus and throat. But despite the difficult emotions, I feel more freedom… You don’t have to let an environment that sees you as ‘naïve’ because of your vulnerability, your desire for connection, or your belief in human goodness, determine your self-worth. You can choose yourself.

When you shift and raise your frequency, your preferences and surroundings change as well. Your inner light as a compass.

With love,

Maria De Dauw



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